

Hall Hire & Booking Form

Hire rates


Hall per hour


Meeting Room / Bar area per hour


Evening Party up to 6 hours including set up and clear away. Party must finish by 11pm 

£160.00 including bar area 

Weddings / Celebrations up to 24 hours including set up and clear away.  Mandatory charge for cleaning.



Childrens party up to four hours inc set up and clear away (Extra Hours or part thereafter)

£80.00 plus £40.00 if using bar area




Round table cloth charge






Local residents (within Sheriffhales parish)




Deposits (refundable): against loss, damage, failure to remove rubbish form the site. Hires to ensure hall is clean and left as found


Deposit for wedding / celebration weekend


Deposit for all other events



Please pay deposit on booking, balance 10 working days before event.

Hall bank details are- Sort code 40 44 50, A/C  31472763


Date required………………………          Time: From…..……. To……………


Event details…………………………………………………………………..


Approx number of attendees…………….


Full name (please print)……………………………………………………… Signature……………………………………………………

Full Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Email Address……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Home Phone …………………………………………………Mobile …………………………………………………….


By signing, I agree that I have read and accept the terms of hire and as the named hirer take responsibility for the above booking 


Full name (please print)……………………………………………………… Signature……………………………………………………

Preferred method of communication? Email / Phone (delete as appropriate)


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